From Burden to Blessings!

Hello Family!

I’m here today by the grace of Yahuah God! You’re here by the grace of Yahuah! Let’s give Him all the praise and glory for another day!

Welcome! Peace onto you!

View my channel introduction, so you can know what’s going on!

Below you will find detailed notes and a link for scriptures from today’s video: From Burden to Blessings! Yahuah God will blow your mind!

Yahuah just blessed me! He is always blessing me/ us, from the time we wake up and take a breath to when we lay our heads down at night. But there are times, when He goes above and beyond and blesses us/ answers prayers. And today (at the time of recording this video), He provided for me in an unexpected way!

When Yahuah shows up for us in miraculous ways, it further proves His power and His love for us. And the most beautiful part of it all, is that His word is sufficient enough! His grace is enough! He doesn’t have to prove His abilities, BUT because He loves us and He knows that at times, we are struggling and we need that extra “thing” to get us through or to inspire us. There is nothing greater than Our Heavenly Father, Abba, providing for us and filling us up when we are in need!

When I reflect over my journey with Yahuah thus far, I can say that im so thankful that I did not give up! Although it was not easy (what in life is), im so grateful that He kept me and I was able to see Him work! He knows when we need a second or third or fourth wind to keep going!

Let’s talk about the uneasy part for a moment… When Yahuah reveals to us what needs to be removed, what needs to be healed and cleansed; so He can refine us... this process is uncomfortable as new habits are formed and toxic cycles and relationships are purged! We are created in His image and most of us are walking, talking, thinking and moving from a place of trauma, pain and with heavy influence from opposition. Yahuah wants to make us over, so we can truly live the life He made for us! Imagine thriving and not just surviving in the land of the living and beyond!

 And if the spirit of self-doubt, guilt or hopelessness appears, you rebuke it and cast it down in the name of Yeshua Jesus! 1 Corinthian 10:5 Because Yahuah will turn your burdens into blessings! The righteous will not be forsaken Psalm 37:25

He will restore you! He is restoring you! Move out of His way, so He can restore you! See watch Yahuah God work video.

During this uneasy part… When things got/are challenging, Focus on Yahuah!

  • Listen to sermons- I like Jerry Flowers, Anthony Mitchell (both on YouTube)

  • Play worship music

  • Read Scriptures

  • Talk to a friend about His word

  • Help someone else in need (I was surprised how much this helped me)

  • Walk and talk to Yahuah

Yahuah is our safe place, He is out refugee! When times get tough, He is the calm! Lean on Him! He is the Father of Truth!

CLICK ON THE LINK: Scriptures for Hard Times can be found here

With Love,



When we go against God Yahuah


Watch God WORK! Get OUT of His way!